Hydration, and is summer finally here?!

Raise your hand if you feel like you need to drink more water.

Both of mine are raised! I think about hydration a lot because I am not great about drinking enough water each day. The amount needed varies for each of us, depending on factors like weight, constitution, and activity level, but a good goal is to drink at least sixty-four ounces a day, minimum. Along with supporting a radiant, glowing complexion, (who doesn’t want that?!), water helps our body systems function optimally, aiding in tasks such as: 

  • carrying nutrients and oxygen to our cells

  • improving digestion and elimination

  • normalizing blood pressure

  • cushioning joints

  • regulating body temperature

But water alone cannot do the job. We need to have a proper balance of electrolytes in order for our cells to actually hold, and have a chance to utilize, the water we drink. I like to use the image of a houseplant. If it’s in poor, depleted soil and we water that plant, we’ll see the water running right through, overflowing into the dish in which it sits. Without proper electrolyte balance, our cells mimic that situation. We drink, we pee. We aren’t truly well-hydrated. So if you feel like you drink and drink, and then run to the bathroom, electrolytes are where it’s at!

The electrolytes our bodies need in proper proportions for maintaining fluid balance are sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. We’re not talking sodium that comes from that yummy bag o’chips here. Darn. What we want is unprocessed sea salt, which contains these vital minerals. One great way to start your day is with a glass of warm water, enhanced with a spoonful of solé. Coconut water is also a great source of natural electrolytes, replenishing nutrients in a way that tastes like a major treat. Look for brands without added sugar. An easy, electrolyte-rich sun tea to mix up at home could be hibiscus tea with a splash of inner fillet aloe juice, a spoonful of solé, and a squeeze of lemon juice. Sweeten to taste and garnish with a sprig of mint. Ahhhhh!

There are so many fun, healthful ways to up your fluid intake. Join me Thursday, July 13 for more information during a hands-on class, exploring herbal infusions, oxymels and switchels, my new favorite nighttime tea, and a bonus, boozy cordial for juicy, summertime fun. We’ll collaborate that night, prepping the fruit and adding our choice of herbs, and when it’s done macerating, you’ll receive a one-ounce sample of the cordial to enjoy straight, in sparkly water, or as part of a cocktail. Yum!

Herbal Hydration & Earthy Elixirs

Thursday, July 13, 5:30-7:30pm
Dragonfly Farm
425 Westside Road , Healdsburg

$30 for class only; $40 for class, plus a take-home quart of solé.

Summer solstice is Wednesday, June 21.

What are your summertime goals? Mine are to camp more than once, float down the river at least once, dance to as much live music as possible, and drink plenty of water!


The Magic of Hydrosols


Spotlight on Mugwort