Adaptogens to the rescue!

Adaptogens are herbs that increase the body’s resistance to stress. They’re in everything from chocolate bars to fermented drinks these days, and for good reason. It can feel hard to be a human on planet Earth right now. Stressors come from any direction, and they can present real issues for our health and wellness. Stress can come from challenges like losing a job or a loved one, facing an illness, or undergoing surgery. It also creeps in with exciting events in life like planning a wedding or a vacation, graduating from college, or moving to a new home. In Ayurveda, even the changing of the seasons is seen as a time when we can be more easily thrown off balance. 

We can’t escape stressors, but we can give our systems the most support possible with great self-care habits. We can eat nourishing foods, do our best to get good sleep, move our bodies in ways that bring us joy, spend time with our friends and family, and we can turn to herbs to help build a strong foundation so that when stressors are experienced, we are more capable of staying centered and grounded.

There are so many adaptogenic herbs to choose from, and they vary as much as our personal constitutions vary. Some, like eleuthero, are invigorating, and help people who need to feel more energized. Others, like reishi, can help us feel more relaxed and perhaps get a better night’s sleep. When I realize that I’m feeling depleted and exhausted, emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually, I know it’s past time to add adaptogens back into my daily routine. Tonic herbs, adaptogens are best when used daily. They help fill up your well when it has run dry, restoring and rejuvenating your energy. Working with an experienced herbalist is a great way to find your herbal allies. Stay tuned for an upcoming adaptogen class. In the meantime, try these Adapto-Snacks, or jump on the Shazam! bandwagon and start filling up your well for all the fun the last quarter of 2023 has to offer.  

I created this recipe for a quick, protein-rich snack incorporating two of my favorite Ayurvedic herbs: ashwagandha and shatavari. Adapto-Snacks will help you make it through the day with a calm, focused energy. The protein is grounding, rooting you in the present moment, and the spices lend just the right kick for an any-time-of-day treat. Make this recipe your own with spices you love and change up the sweeteners, or omit them and add a bit more salt for a savory snack.


In a food processor, combine:

3/4 cup nut/seed butter blend 

4 pitted dates, or other dried fruit of choice, chopped

1 Tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon each: ashwagandha and shatavari 

2 Tablespoons unsweetened coconut flakes

2 Tablespoons honey

2 chunks candied ginger, chopped 

1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon

1 teaspoon each: licorice powder, ground ginger, cardamom, sea salt

Whir until nicely blended. The amount of herb here equals eight servings. Divide into eight portions and roll into balls. You can then roll the balls into more coconut flakes, chopped nuts, or cacao powder. Alternatively, you can keep it simple, transfer the blend to a container, and eat it by the spoonful.

Shazam! A taste elation. An adaptogenic ally. A spirit-free happy hour mood booster.

We had a great time with the Herbal Hydration class in August. The hands-down favorite beverage was the schisandra berry, hibiscus, and dried orange peel oxymel. An oxymel is a honey and vinegar blend. We named it Shazam! because that’s how it made us feel.

Schisandra is an enlivening adaptogen, and is known as the five-flavored fruit. With tangy vinegar, sweet honey, and sour hibiscus, a shot of this in warm or sparkling water brightens up gloomy days, and makes good ones even better. For those of us who love a good cocktail, Shazam! offers a great profile to play with. Share your recipes, please!

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You won’t be sorry….

Oxymels are honey-vinegar blends, and we’ve boosted ours with cardiovascular-supportive hibiscus, antioxidant-rich orange peel, and schisandra berry, the five-flavored fruit. This sour, tangy, bitter, yet sweet elixir will energize your spirit and enliven your tastebuds. It’s lovely in warm or sparkling water any time of day. A great herbal addition, Shazam! swings both ways, enhancing your cocktail creations, or bringing a smile with its non-alcoholic, naturally charismatic buoyancy. Follow us on Instagram and share your favorite Shazam! recipes. 


It’s autumn, and it rained!


The Magic of Hydrosols